Tuesday, May 18, 2010

KOMING TO KAKAMEGA (Give me a break! These titles are getting tougher and tougher to come up with!)

Today’s mission was truly a divine appointment about six months in the making! When the team came to Kenya last October we traveled to Kakamega and visited several churches being shepherded by Bishop John Musilla.

The roads between Sibanga and Kakamega are very rough and it is dangerous to drive on them at night. Even many Kenyans try to avoid it. So we felt an urgency to leave without visiting one last church which had been added to our schedule as a late addition. Our trip today was dedicated solely to the members of Pastor Patrick’s church. We brought them greetings from the church in the USA and brought a message about “the fullness of time” based on Galatians 4. Afterwards Ellen and Dawn were AGAIN decked out in traditional Kenyan women’s wear (Seriously? Does the word “tomboy” translate in Kiswahili?!) We blessed the church with some food items for their primary school and they blessed us with fresh eggs, fruit and SUGAR CANE! Side Note: We were gifted with sugar cane during our last trip but gifted it to the children of the LCM pastors without saving any for ourselves.

As I sit typing this blog in the back seat of the car during the return trip to Sibanga, I’m considering if I can consume an entire stalk in the two and one-half days we have left in Kenya! (A stalk is taller than me!) Ellen and I will spend tonight recalling the events of the past two days and discussing all we heard in our conversations with our friends. Joseph will welcome us at the gate to Zippy’s farm and let us into the house. We’ll sit in front of a blazing fire in the fireplace and sip Kenyan tea while we wait for dinner to be served. We never know what we’re going to have but always know it is going to be good! Last trip Ellen and I both tried to sit as far away from Zippy as possible because she has a habit of putting extra helpings on your plate. This time, with just the three of us, we are taking our turns getting seconds . . . and thirds!

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