Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Monday was a day of conducting business. There has been much work involved in moving the cyber cafe from Sibanga to Kitale. No one could have foreseen the problem of a lack of internet signal coupled with the lack of consistent electricity in Sibanga. After prayerful consideration it was determined that the Water Gate House Cyber Cafe would better fulfill it's purpose (to be a vehicle for the Gospel and to provide a stipend income for pastors so they can focus less on financial needs and more on ministry) so a shop was rented and all the equipment and furniture was moved. While in town, Dawn decided it was time to apply for the equivalent of a "Kroger Card" and started the paperwork to make it happen. This way, we'll get points which can be cashed in for shillings on groceries during future trips.

There was also opportunity to meet with the bead ladies and purchase some more of their work to bring back to the U.S. for resale to help generate income for this group of women who live in the Kitale slum. All in all a productive day by Kenyan standards. We have come to expect to only get one thing done each day . . . anything else is icing on th cake because of all the speed bumps we hit along the way!

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