Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

We want to thank all of you for your prayers, especially during the past few days.  Although the problems we shared earlier are not completely resolved, we feel God has us in a much better place new.  As we stated earlier, we stopped for a period of time just pray and listen for direction.  Through the challenges, we feel we have more solid direction.  After meeting individually with each Kenya board member, we are confident that they are more committed than ever to stand in the gap in order to execute the tasks ahead of us.  What we have identified is something that we’ve known for some time but had lost sight of.  We are in a country where corruption and greed are very common and somewhat accepted.  Although this country isn’t the only place where corruption and greed exist, it can certainly be very blatant.  Please continue to pray as the task before is us is very large and far beyond our abilities.  It is only through God and His strength that these plans will come to fruition.

Our Kenya RUN board members have shown us their faith and their commitment to prayer!  It was encouraging during the 36 hours we committed to praying about direction that we received numerous text messages containing Scripture passages and other words of encouragement.  These people face trials of great magnitude every day of their lives and can’t get away from it.  Yet they have the fortitude and faith to continue.  We are humbled by their example.

On a side note, after months of trying to arrange for Blessings Hope to have someone come to them and build an incubator, God has provided!  One of our board members arranged for someone to go to the orphanage/school today and teach three other women how to build a cook stove/chicken incubator.  PRAISE GOD!!!  This will be one more thing Blessings Hope has going on which will help the school to become mostly self-sustaining.

Prayer Points:
1.      Our government certification is not completed.  We are still waiting to have our NGO registered with the government.  This will be required before we can complete the purchase.
2.      The board needs to come to an agreement on Agreeing on we will be using as our architect.  Several have been interviewed and now one must be selected.
3.      The land deed finalization process is long and difficult to complete when we are not here to keep things moving.  We need to finalize as quickly as possible so construction of the training center can begin.
4.      We need to find someone who can drill a bore hole so there is a constant source of water on the land.  Right now brickmaking is at a standstill because the piped water does not run consistently.
5.      Physical and emotional strength for Ellen and Dawn during the final stretch of their trip.

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