Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

As most of you know, Monday was a very difficult day for us.  We experienced opposition from many directions.  We encouraged our board members to commit themselves to prayer about our next steps.  Over the next two days (Wednesday and Thursday) we will be meeting with each board member individually to ask some very candid questions in an effort to make sure we are staying true to our vision.  We appreciate your prayers as we hold those meetings.

Today was dedicated to getting a few things done in town such as trying to move forward with getting the land deed finalized.  We would never have guessed such a thing would have taken us this long!  It is apparently still a couple of months away as there have to be two readings and the committee which hears the readings meets once each month.  Fortunately, some of this can be accomplished through a power of attorney.  Three Bibles were handed out at the land registration office today.  In typical American fashion we launched into our purpose without introducing ourselves which really set off Hussein.  We backpedaled until we had apologized for our unfamiliarity with some customs and then gifted Hussein with a Bible.  He was very appreciative, and it was amazing how much kinder he was to us during the rest of our business with him!  Two Bibles were handed out to the girls collecting parking fees at the land registration office parking lot and the rest were given to fulfill promises to people in the Sibanga marketplace who had asked for copies previously when we were out.  We also managed to stop by a local bookshop and pick up a dozen Bibles in the Swahili language but we’re not sure yet how we will give those out.

Prayer points:
1.      Pastor Isaac’s brother Wilson is now in ICU at a hospital in Eldoret.  Please continue praying for him as well as for his family which is trying to raise shillings to pay for the medical expenses.
2.      We need to be clear on direction from God before proceeding with plans on the land once it is finally in the name of Rise Up Now.

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