Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

We may Friday a day of focus on handing out our “backpack Bibles” in the Sibanga marketplace.  This was a challenge since many people have gotten accustomed to us handing them out and frequently come to us asking for one of their own.  We like to be strategic about the giving out of this precious seed since we figure some are merely taking them to sell for shillings.  So we walked toward the back of the market place and began entering various businesses.  Our purpose was two-fold:  to explain to business owners about the vision of RUN and to leave them with copies of the Bible.  We handed out a total of 28 Bibles and had some great conversations with pastors, tailors, agro vets, clinic nurses, and many more.  God was so good to us during our conversations!

PROGRESS!  Small steps, but it certainly is worth celebrating!  We spent a couple of hours at the land yesterday talking with the workers making bricks.  It seems word was going ‘round that our workers were not being paid although our Facilities Manager told us they had been.  As it turns out, the foreman had been paid but he took the money and left without paying the workers.  We have made things right with several locals who helped with the brickmaking and our Facilities Manager will pursue the foreman to have the funds returned to us.  Tedious as it may become, we have had to resort to giving receipts for every single shilling handed out and requiring the person receiving the cash to sign the receipt.

Then we learned that water for brick making was still a problem and that the neighbor had offered to allow us use of her well.  Unfortunately, a length of rope was required to get the water from the well and no one told us of the need.  An $8 piece of rope was all that was standing between us and making bricks!  We also learned the djembe our workers were using was borrowed from someone else and each time the owner came looking for it, brick making was stopped again.  $5 later, RUN was the proud owner of its own djembe and work was under way once more!  So after two hours, one thing we learned was that $13 was all that had been standing in the way of production for two weeks!

Late Saturday evening we received a very distraught call from one of our board members, Grace, telling us her brother had died.  Night travel here is HIGHLY discouraged but we felt strongly that we needed to go to Grace’s home and show our support so with flashlights in hand we walked the short distance and entered to find many others already gathered with her.  We stayed for awhile and just hugged her and prayed with her.  Then the gathering of friends took up a collection to help Grace with transportation fees to go to Cheringani where the body was being taken for funeral arrangements.  Deaths seem so common here and place such a burden on family members.  Funerals require paying to have the body released from the mortuary, transportation fees to have the body returned home, and providing an enormous amount of food for the family and friends who come to mourn the person’s passing.

Prayer Points:
1.      Please for our friend and board member, Grace.  Although she knew her brother was ill, his passing has still hit her very hard.
2.      Pray that communication improves so that work on the land can move forward.  The solution to our brickmaking problem was two simple tools but for some reason, it was not getting communicated to the right people.
3.      Again with the “small” things!  One item needed to move forward with our NGO certification is obtaining copies of resumes from our board members but it is proving a difficult thing to accomplish.  Pray against even the small things the enemy is using to stop our forward momentum.

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