Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where do we begin to tell you about our day?!?!?!?  Well, there was the morning meeting with Edith and Martha who are members of the Trans Kenya Women’s SACCO.  Their goal is to empower women economically.  We are discussing with them whether RUN is a good fit to partner with them and vice versa.  Because we had so much to discuss, we had to schedule a second meeting for this afternoon.

Pastor Isaac had made arrangements for us to meet with the county governor’s wife and what an education that turned out to be!  Rose (the 1st lady) is looking for ways she can help Kenyans to improve their lives.  She is helping some women who created beaded jewelry to find marketplaces to sell their work.  This is the same way we have been trying to help the Kipsongo “slum women”.  Next she took us on a tour of her home which included a small vegetable farm.  Using only ½ acre of property, Rose was able to grow a wide variety of vegetables in such quantity that she not only feeds her own family, but she tells her workers to take some home to their families!  Beet root, carrots, onions, broccoli, lettuce, spinach beans, kale, and things we had never head of were all growing like crazy on this small piece of land!  Rose wants to teach Kenyans how to farm “smart” instead of just planting maize every year, so we see her as another God-ordained connection.

Another business meeting for Ellen with the women from the SACCO, and Dawn got a little freedom to walk through town taking care of some “housekeeping items”.  Do you have any idea how hard AVACADOS are to find in Kenya this time of year?!?!?!?  But if you ask around enough, someone knows someone who has what you are looking for!  Several opportunities presented themselves to give out “backpack Bibles” while in town.  The woman at the currency exchange nearly burst into tears (LITERALLY!) when she asked if we were selling them and we told her we were giving them away.  She was so blessed by this small gift.  Monica, a customer service worker at the bank, told us she had been thinking about buying one and was so happy to be gifted with one instead.

After the meeting with the SACCO women had wrapped up and we were getting ready to leave town, Ellen thought something was wrong with her front motorcycle tire so we went to see Tony, the manager of a Boxer motorcycle shop in town with whom we have become VERY familiar as we try to figure out these Indian-made motorcycles!  As it turned out, Ellen’s front tire had been punctured so we had to wait around for the repair.  That whole thing about “God connections” never gets old!  We met one of the Boxer representatives who told us he was questioned by a security officer at the restaurant where we had recently parked our motorcycles.  Raul told the officer he was curious about the bikes because he had heard there two “western women” riding the Bajaj (Boxer) bikes in town.  He asked if he could take our picture with the motorcycles so Ellen and I are expecting to see our picture on the internet as a Bajaj advertisement some day!  The God connection enters when Raul asked where we ride the bikes.  We began to tell him about RUN and the vision of “lifting people out of spiritual and economic poverty.”  He told us how his business tries to help the community by doing simple health screenings like taking blood pressures and that he is looking for other ways to help.  Raul told us that 40% of Kenya’s youth are unemployed.  He also said that over 50% of the employment market is made up of people who in one way or another work in the motorcycle industry:  sales, repair, marketing, etc.  He said he would be willing to have his workers provide training on how to ride the bikes safely (a DEFINITE NEED here in Kenya!) and how to repair them.  This would provide young people with a vocational skill which would help them to find jobs in this industry.  Oh my goodness!  We told him about RUN’s work with the SACCO and some of the possibilities for investing and gave him our business card.  He plans to email us for more information.  How AWESOME it would be if one type of training offered at the community training center was motorcycle repair!  Kenyans helping Kenyans . . . WE LOVE IT!

What a wonderful day this has been.  We have experienced both highs and lows today, but always under the watchful eye of the Father who loves us and does not permit one single experience to go without a purpose.  We are still amazed and humbled that He would allow us to play even a small part in this GREAT work of HIS.

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1.                  Tomorrow at 1:00PM we will be having another RUN board meeting.  Pray that we cover God’s agenda and not our own, and that the board will act in unity.  There is a difficult issue to be addressed with regard to a micro-loan which is in default.  Pray for God’s wisdom in this.
2.                  Pray that we will remain healthy and safe.  Sometimes we take these things for granted until we don’t have them.
3.                  Pray for the family of Rosetta.  Somehow the family was able to have the body released so they could proceed with her funeral today, but they still need to clear 15,000 shillings in expenses (about $180 USD).

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