Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

We woke early to a very beautiful morning, the sun breaking through the clouds to warm the day.  We put on our shamba boots and went down to the property where the training center is to be built.  We visited with our neighbor who wanted us to take a picture of her with her cow.  The cow was still young and rather unsure of us.  But the neighbor was very happy and asked for a copy of the picture.

We met with individuals from the cooperative who were reviewing the site to qualify it as a cooling station location for milk.  There is not a chiller/cooler located in this county.  Because of this a lot of milk spoils before it can get to market.  Adding this unit as part of a cooperative offering to this community has the potential to raise the average income throughout greatly.  The R.U.N. foundation and the Trans Kenya Women’s Sacco are currently working on details of how to partner in this venture of bringing this cooler to the R.U.N. site.

We left the shamba to go into town and meet with Justus, our friend who operates the cyber café we opened in 2009.  This young father is such a hard worker.  Unlike many Kenyan’s, he has many jobs going trying to take care of his family.  I often wonder when he sleeps.  It is so unfortunate that here in Kenyan one bad rain can just wash away a dream.  Justus had planted a tree nursery to generate income to buy some property for a house.  Everything washed down the river in an unseasonable rain.  Yet he says ‘what are you to do.  You must move forward’.  We had dinner with Justus, his wife Rhoda and their daughter Valerie in their home tonight.  What a joy to share in their lives.  We have become very good friends with Valerie.

The highlight of the day was our R.U.N. board meeting.  Anything worth doing certainly must have its challenges.  This is no different.  I think God is showing me how all good things take more than one person to accomplish them.  In some ways I have to admit that I regret not being more open to help from others in this process.  It truly is like the body of Christ.  The more people involved who have the same objective, we can create a much better outcome.  I really feel blessed with the board of directors that has been brought to us.  Each has a skill and a gift and when we are all together the task is not hard.  So today we made very good progress on writing the constitution/by laws for Kenya R.U.N.  I have been very much encouraged!  PTL!

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:

  1. With only three business days left here in Sibanga, we need to get clear title to the land so construction can begin.  Please pray that God walks with us through this process to completion.
  2. Ask for God's wisdom and discernment for us as we continue to move forward with the prospect of partnering with the Trans Kenya Women's SACCO.

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