Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Our last day in Sibanga this trip. . . so sad.  We had a day overflowing with tasks and only pretty unbelievable success in getting things accomplished.  A lot of our time was spent just tying up lose ends on the land purchase, on accounting tasks, and final delegation of action items to board members.  Zippy arrived on the Shamba but we were so busy in Kitale we did not get back to the farm until around 7:00PM.  She had just returned to Kenya from a trip to New York and a meeting at the UN so she was pretty tired. After dinner we left her to get some rest.  The senator stays very busy!  We knew she was arriving today when we left the shamba to go to town and instead of the usual person opening the gate for us we were greeted by a Kenya Defense Force soldier complete with M-16!

 Another trip for the books!  We fly out of Kitale tomorrow at 8:45AM (hopefully) and spend the day moving around Nairobi.  We still have a couple of items to take care of for RUN; a meeting with the attorney about having the foundation registered as an NGO and hopefully a meeting with someone about drilling a well on the land in Sibanga.

Your prayers have been invaluable as we move about this country.  Our health and safety, the relationships we are building and the new contacts we have made are due in large part to your prayers for us.  We will see all of you soon and give you a full report.

1 comment:

  1. Ellen & Dawn, I love the work that God continues to do through the both of you! What an awesome example of being the "hands & feet" of Jesus you are. Look forward to reading more about your trip, meaning I need to go back & catch up on your blogs. Love in Christ!
