Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Our last day in Sibanga this trip. . . so sad.  We had a day overflowing with tasks and only pretty unbelievable success in getting things accomplished.  A lot of our time was spent just tying up lose ends on the land purchase, on accounting tasks, and final delegation of action items to board members.  Zippy arrived on the Shamba but we were so busy in Kitale we did not get back to the farm until around 7:00PM.  She had just returned to Kenya from a trip to New York and a meeting at the UN so she was pretty tired. After dinner we left her to get some rest.  The senator stays very busy!  We knew she was arriving today when we left the shamba to go to town and instead of the usual person opening the gate for us we were greeted by a Kenya Defense Force soldier complete with M-16!

 Another trip for the books!  We fly out of Kitale tomorrow at 8:45AM (hopefully) and spend the day moving around Nairobi.  We still have a couple of items to take care of for RUN; a meeting with the attorney about having the foundation registered as an NGO and hopefully a meeting with someone about drilling a well on the land in Sibanga.

Your prayers have been invaluable as we move about this country.  Our health and safety, the relationships we are building and the new contacts we have made are due in large part to your prayers for us.  We will see all of you soon and give you a full report.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our morning was spent in preparation for the 1:00 RUN board meeting.  Unfortunately, we can’t just run to the local Staples store and make our copies!  We were invited to observe another table top banking group at 10:00 and saw that each group seems to be as unique as the people who participate in them.  A request had been made of us to provide each woman in the group with a Bible.  We prefer to give them out individually as God leads us but in this instance it felt right, so we granted their request. 

The county surveyor made a site visit to mark off the land to include a recently added public access road which changes the location of RUN property somewhat.  Unfortunately, he could not locate all of the marker posts so this has been delayed . . . again :(

The RUN board meeting covered a lot of administrative ground, catching up on the status of the replacement water pipes, the brick making, our constitution and bylaws, and a small budget to suffice until we return to the states.  We cannot get a bank account until RUN has been certified by the government of Kenya and to maintain the integrity of the organization, the board was unanimous in its decision that it was better to pay some fees to wire money as needed rather than leave a large amount of cash behind.  We are so blessed to have each of these people on the board.  As God brings them to your mind, please pray for Acting Director Isaac Gikonyo, Facilities Manager Samwel Wafula, Business Development Director Edith Bor, and Accountant Grace Nziwa.

Please pray for these matters:

  1. We have a busy day ahead of us on Wednesday.  It is our last full day in Sibanga and the “To Do” is impossible by Kenya standards.  It may require the “conquer and divide” approach which we prefer not to take since we minister best as a team.  Pray that God helps us to delegate as much as possible so that this day is less about checking things off a list and more about building relationships.
  2. Pray for our Kenya RUN board.  All are uniquely gifted for their positions on the board but they need God’s wisdom for the daily challenges in order to establish the integrity of Rise Up Now in the community.
  3. Pray for our flight from Kitale to Nairobi on Thursday.  We still have business to conduct in Nairobi and it is important that our flight not be delayed or cancelled.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today was SUCH an amazing day not just because of what was accomplished but also because of how much was accomplished!  If we get one thing completed in a day we count it as a successful day.  Today we were able to make progress in finalizing ownership of the land for the community center, we finished some banking, we met with Patricia about creating some new beadwork items for us, and we met with several other people throughout the day.

We cannot believe how big God’s purpose seems to be for the work of RUN in Kenya!  From the simple idea of a vegetable processing station, we moved to the idea of a maize collection and transport station.  Then we moved to a milk cooling station for 5,000 liters, then 10,000 liters, and now 20,000 liters!  The vision the RUN board has for helping this community is beyond words!  And they are already working on marketing ideas to get the word out about this community opportunity. 

Let us also share with you how God took something meant to harm us and turned it into a blessing.  Before we arrived, the RUN Facility Manger who is overseeing the water project on the land was taken advantage of by a local who sold him faulty pipes for the water line.  Several leaks occurred immediately making it necessary to stop work.  A neighbor had offered to allow the brick makers to use water from her farm so at least that work could continue.  The local then went to Prisca and told her things about RUN that were not true so she told the workers they could no longer use her water.  Just before we arrived, ALL work on the land had come to a halt.  Meanwhile, Samwel (Facility Manger) took the situation to arbitration and yesterday we found out that the man who sold us the faulty pipes is now responsible for the replacement cost of the pipes as well as the labor to put in the new ones!  And the day we arrived in Sibanga, we went to Prisca and explained the vision of RUN and also gifted her with a small bag of sugar as a gesture of greeting her as our neighbor.  She told us she realized what the local told her about us was not true and again offered the use of her water until our pipes are replaced!  God is SO GOOD!

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
  1. Tomorrow is our final full RUN board meeting and our agenda is lengthy!  Pray for us to accomplish all that is necessary to empower the board to continue in our absence.
  2. We are refusing to fall into the devil’s lie of saying, “We are running out of time!”  Instead, we are choosing to say, “We will accomplish everything God intends for us to do in the time we have left.”  Pray we keep this focus.
  3. Please continue to pray for our health and stamina.  With two days left to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we are running out of gas.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today was another beautiful day of worship spent with the congregation of Imani Sirwo in Sibanga.  Pastor Isaac had asked Dawn to speak and so a message was given from the book of Hosea, chapter 1.  The Bible is full of lessons which are illustrated to make their understanding clear.  Dawn talked of how God told the prophet Hosea to marry Gomer, a prostitute, and to have children by her.  This marriage, along with the names he was to give his children, illustrated how Israel had strayed far from God by prostituting themselves to sinful ways of living.  Afterwards, we were invited to the home of our dear friends Timothy and Rose Mahindu for lunch and fellowship. 

We had hoped to take our little friend Zipporah to market for sodas but she moved to another farm since our last visit and we had trouble finding her.  As we left Sibanga on the road to searching for Zipporah, the number of children following us grew larger and larger.  We felt like the pied piper!  We never found our little Zipporah but word travels fast in this small community and while we were sitting at a plaza waiting for Samwel Wafula to join us, Zipporah found US!.  We had some time to sip on sodas and chat before Samwel arrived and the conversation turned to long range planning for Blessings Hope school and orphanage.  God has blessed them mightily and in a very short period of time they have constructed five classrooms, one dormitory, acquired two cows (both pregnant), some chickens, and rented land to farm.  In addition, they are preparing to construct another dormitory and a living space for widows.  It is hoped that all these things working together will help the school to become self-sustaining and not always dependant on donations.  A lesson we have learned quickly here is that “throwing money at the problem” does not solve the long-range problems.  Knowledge is the key to breaking the poverty mindset and that is what we are humbling trying to do as we love Kenya through Jesus Christ.

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
  1. Pray that God helps us to rise above unsettling situations which the enemy uses to distract us from what God wants to accomplish in Sibanga.
  2. Continue praying for tomorrow’s final full RUN board meeting.
  3. Pray for our physical, emotional and spiritual strength in these final few days of our time in Kenya.  The work is rewarding but also demanding.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Today we had the opportunity to witness what we have only heard about in our travels!  We were invited to attend a women’s table top banking meeting in Kimoson.  Due to the heavy rains the night before, we decided to arrange a taxi instead of riding our motorbikes.  This proved to be a wise decision because once we turned off the “main road” onto the road where the meeting was being held, there were many deep mud puddles which would have been hard to avoid on bikes.  By the time all the members had arrived there were about twenty-five women participating in this group.  It was so uplifting to see each woman come forward to repay her loan (plus interest) knowing she had done well enough to keep shillings for her household as well.  Next, each woman gave shillings which will go into savings for them.  This was followed by women paying “fines” which they are assessed if they miss a meeting or are late to the meeting.  This is a way of keeping the meeting orderly and on time.  Lastly, each woman paid a very small amount for “insurance” in case one of their members passes away.  This will go toward paying off the funeral expenses for that woman.  Death is a very common occurrence here and coming up with the money to pay for funerals places a very heavy burden on families.  It was amazing to watch this process and see how these women are benefiting from each other and the knowledge that comes with this type of banking.

We dedicated our afternoon to “administrative tasks”.  Establishing Rise Up Now as a NGO (non-government organization) here in Kenya requires an enormous amount of paperwork, coordination, and future planning. 

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
  1. One final RUN board meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  With much still needing accomplished, pray we are able to complete everything that needs done while Ellen and I are here, and that the board will be able to continue moving forward once we leave.
  2. Our friend Fridah emailed us that she has arrived back in Nairobi.  Pray for her that she finds some kind of work soon, and that she will be able to study for and pass her CISCO certification test for computers.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

We woke early to a very beautiful morning, the sun breaking through the clouds to warm the day.  We put on our shamba boots and went down to the property where the training center is to be built.  We visited with our neighbor who wanted us to take a picture of her with her cow.  The cow was still young and rather unsure of us.  But the neighbor was very happy and asked for a copy of the picture.

We met with individuals from the cooperative who were reviewing the site to qualify it as a cooling station location for milk.  There is not a chiller/cooler located in this county.  Because of this a lot of milk spoils before it can get to market.  Adding this unit as part of a cooperative offering to this community has the potential to raise the average income throughout greatly.  The R.U.N. foundation and the Trans Kenya Women’s Sacco are currently working on details of how to partner in this venture of bringing this cooler to the R.U.N. site.

We left the shamba to go into town and meet with Justus, our friend who operates the cyber cafĂ© we opened in 2009.  This young father is such a hard worker.  Unlike many Kenyan’s, he has many jobs going trying to take care of his family.  I often wonder when he sleeps.  It is so unfortunate that here in Kenyan one bad rain can just wash away a dream.  Justus had planted a tree nursery to generate income to buy some property for a house.  Everything washed down the river in an unseasonable rain.  Yet he says ‘what are you to do.  You must move forward’.  We had dinner with Justus, his wife Rhoda and their daughter Valerie in their home tonight.  What a joy to share in their lives.  We have become very good friends with Valerie.

The highlight of the day was our R.U.N. board meeting.  Anything worth doing certainly must have its challenges.  This is no different.  I think God is showing me how all good things take more than one person to accomplish them.  In some ways I have to admit that I regret not being more open to help from others in this process.  It truly is like the body of Christ.  The more people involved who have the same objective, we can create a much better outcome.  I really feel blessed with the board of directors that has been brought to us.  Each has a skill and a gift and when we are all together the task is not hard.  So today we made very good progress on writing the constitution/by laws for Kenya R.U.N.  I have been very much encouraged!  PTL!

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:

  1. With only three business days left here in Sibanga, we need to get clear title to the land so construction can begin.  Please pray that God walks with us through this process to completion.
  2. Ask for God's wisdom and discernment for us as we continue to move forward with the prospect of partnering with the Trans Kenya Women's SACCO.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where do we begin to tell you about our day?!?!?!?  Well, there was the morning meeting with Edith and Martha who are members of the Trans Kenya Women’s SACCO.  Their goal is to empower women economically.  We are discussing with them whether RUN is a good fit to partner with them and vice versa.  Because we had so much to discuss, we had to schedule a second meeting for this afternoon.

Pastor Isaac had made arrangements for us to meet with the county governor’s wife and what an education that turned out to be!  Rose (the 1st lady) is looking for ways she can help Kenyans to improve their lives.  She is helping some women who created beaded jewelry to find marketplaces to sell their work.  This is the same way we have been trying to help the Kipsongo “slum women”.  Next she took us on a tour of her home which included a small vegetable farm.  Using only ½ acre of property, Rose was able to grow a wide variety of vegetables in such quantity that she not only feeds her own family, but she tells her workers to take some home to their families!  Beet root, carrots, onions, broccoli, lettuce, spinach beans, kale, and things we had never head of were all growing like crazy on this small piece of land!  Rose wants to teach Kenyans how to farm “smart” instead of just planting maize every year, so we see her as another God-ordained connection.

Another business meeting for Ellen with the women from the SACCO, and Dawn got a little freedom to walk through town taking care of some “housekeeping items”.  Do you have any idea how hard AVACADOS are to find in Kenya this time of year?!?!?!?  But if you ask around enough, someone knows someone who has what you are looking for!  Several opportunities presented themselves to give out “backpack Bibles” while in town.  The woman at the currency exchange nearly burst into tears (LITERALLY!) when she asked if we were selling them and we told her we were giving them away.  She was so blessed by this small gift.  Monica, a customer service worker at the bank, told us she had been thinking about buying one and was so happy to be gifted with one instead.

After the meeting with the SACCO women had wrapped up and we were getting ready to leave town, Ellen thought something was wrong with her front motorcycle tire so we went to see Tony, the manager of a Boxer motorcycle shop in town with whom we have become VERY familiar as we try to figure out these Indian-made motorcycles!  As it turned out, Ellen’s front tire had been punctured so we had to wait around for the repair.  That whole thing about “God connections” never gets old!  We met one of the Boxer representatives who told us he was questioned by a security officer at the restaurant where we had recently parked our motorcycles.  Raul told the officer he was curious about the bikes because he had heard there two “western women” riding the Bajaj (Boxer) bikes in town.  He asked if he could take our picture with the motorcycles so Ellen and I are expecting to see our picture on the internet as a Bajaj advertisement some day!  The God connection enters when Raul asked where we ride the bikes.  We began to tell him about RUN and the vision of “lifting people out of spiritual and economic poverty.”  He told us how his business tries to help the community by doing simple health screenings like taking blood pressures and that he is looking for other ways to help.  Raul told us that 40% of Kenya’s youth are unemployed.  He also said that over 50% of the employment market is made up of people who in one way or another work in the motorcycle industry:  sales, repair, marketing, etc.  He said he would be willing to have his workers provide training on how to ride the bikes safely (a DEFINITE NEED here in Kenya!) and how to repair them.  This would provide young people with a vocational skill which would help them to find jobs in this industry.  Oh my goodness!  We told him about RUN’s work with the SACCO and some of the possibilities for investing and gave him our business card.  He plans to email us for more information.  How AWESOME it would be if one type of training offered at the community training center was motorcycle repair!  Kenyans helping Kenyans . . . WE LOVE IT!

What a wonderful day this has been.  We have experienced both highs and lows today, but always under the watchful eye of the Father who loves us and does not permit one single experience to go without a purpose.  We are still amazed and humbled that He would allow us to play even a small part in this GREAT work of HIS.

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1.                  Tomorrow at 1:00PM we will be having another RUN board meeting.  Pray that we cover God’s agenda and not our own, and that the board will act in unity.  There is a difficult issue to be addressed with regard to a micro-loan which is in default.  Pray for God’s wisdom in this.
2.                  Pray that we will remain healthy and safe.  Sometimes we take these things for granted until we don’t have them.
3.                  Pray for the family of Rosetta.  Somehow the family was able to have the body released so they could proceed with her funeral today, but they still need to clear 15,000 shillings in expenses (about $180 USD).

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13

Another Kenya RUN board meeting today!  We talked about the importance of thinking big but starting small, keeping in mind whatever is done must be self-sustainable.  Three popular suggestions seemed were:  providing warehousing and transport for maize crops, providing a vegetable cooperative for local farmers to get their produce to larger markets, and installing a cooling station for milk.  Like I said:  “thinking big but starting small!”  Two board members were given assignments which are essentially feasibility studies in the area, and all board members were left with the assignment of canvassing the community to find out what they believe is missing but would be of the most help economically to the Sibanga area.  One final full board meeting will be held this Friday; after that, all board members will be out of town or unavailable on various days making a full board meeting impossible.

We were able to meet our friend Fridah in Sibanga this afternoon and visit for awhile.  She has been so encouraged by all of your prayers.  She told us her plans are to return to Nairobi where she will share an apartment with an older brother and sister while she looks for work and studies for her CISCO certification.  This certification, she has been told, will make her more job marketable.

We also met our little friend Zipporah and were able to treat her and a friend to sodas before Fridah arrived.  Zipporah is so excited for us to see the new home her family has moved to on the other side of the lane.  We promised we would visit before we leave.

On a personal note, we took our motorcycles into Kitale to see if there was anything that could be done to lower the height by about an inch since neither Ellen or I are able to put our feet flat on the ground when sitting on the bikes.  Of course, part of that may have to do with the fact there is very little flat ground here!  As Ellen likes to put it, “Every time you stop, your feet are in ruts!”  Nothing could be figured out so we are going to have to get good at falling down or better at keeping ourselves upright!

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1.      Thursday at 10:00AM we are meeting with Edith and Martha, both members of the Trans Kenya Women’s SACCO to talk about ways they may be interested in partnering with RUN.  Pray for wisdom and discernment about whether this will be a good fit for RUN.
2.      Pastor Isaac has asked us to take tea with a friend of his who is the wife of a governor.  Another new connection!  Pray that this will be another key resource for RUN somewhere down the line.
3.      Pray for us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in knowing what is important and what is merely the “tyranny of the urgent”.  We are getting to that point in our stay where we find ourselves saying, “We don’t have enough time.”  We want to be resolved that there IS time for everything God wants us to participate in and also that we will not allow seemingly urgent things to get us off track.
4.      Please pray about Fridah finding a job.  We hope to speak with a friend in Nairobi when we return there Thursday and see if he might be able to help her.  He is very well connected because of his own business so we are hoping there may be a connection here that will benefit both of them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What an incredibly productive day today was!  We met with the architect and he took us to several of his projects so we could look at different building structures and material types.  One of the projects was a very nice hotel/restaurant/conference center which is not quite completed.  We love the way God keeps connecting us to people who can help us and those who can help other Kenyans!  An idea discussed at the RUN board meeting on Saturday was the possibility of transporting maize from Sibanga to Mombassa where the market is willing to pay more.  We were discussing this with Isaac, our taxi driver, when he told us he has a friend who does just that!  While we were looking at the various buildings, he called his friend and got all the numbers we need to figure out how many bags of maize need to be transported and at what price in order to make this a profitable idea.  If the board approves the idea and is able to make it work, this idea could pay the salary of Nathan, the young man who watches over the construction site.  The purpose of the center is to be “mostly self-sustaining” and this gives us our first opportunity to demonstrate to the board exactly how that works.  Then while we were touring the hotel building under construction, we asked the owner if he would be looking for a chef and he said he would soon.  We have a friend who used to be a chef at a five-star restaurant in this area so we told the owner to email us and we would send him our friend’s email so they can talk!  Isn’t God AWESOME?!?!?!?

We also had the unexpected opportunity to stop by the IGEM headquarters to meet with Bishop Mike and some of his co-laborers in the Lord’s work.  Mike is Samwel’s father and we don’t often get the privilege of visiting with him because he has so many responsibilities as the director of this organization.  While there, we learned that one of their members had passed away just a few days ago and they were working together as the Body does to come up with the fees needed to release the body for burial.  We were humbled to be able to add to their collection as a way to help this grieving family.

We received a text message from Fridah today.  She said the email we went her was just the encouragement she needed at exactly the right time.  Praise God she is now focusing on some opportunities ahead of her instead of listening to the lies of the enemy!

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1.                  The second meeting of the full Kenya RUN board convenes Wednesday at 9:30AM.  Please pray for all of the board members as we continue to move in the direction that God would have us do for the benefit of the community.
2.                  Please pray for the family of Rosetta, the woman with IGEM who passed away.  She leaves behind a husband and six children, the youngest of which was 2½ years old.  Pray for their comfort during this time of loss and also that IGEM will be able to collect the money needed to help the family with the funeral expenses.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

It’s about 9:00PM and Ellen and I are doing one of the things we love most when in Kenya! We are sitting quietly in front of a blazing fire watching it burn down to coals and reflecting on the events of this day.

Our 9:00AM meeting with the architect began around 11:00 but we are learning to be flexible about these things. After all, “this is Kenya”, as we are so often told by our Kenyan friends when things don’t go according to plan. We walked the land and learned about some setbacks with laying the water lines and we discussed the possibility that a proposed access road being added by local officials may take part of our property. This could cause us to change the layout of our structures but we will wait until we have received “official” word before we try to cross that bridge. We spent some time back at the farm house going over our proposed building layout and getting input from the architect on what would work and what would not. To close out this meeting, we have made arrangements to meet with him in Kitale tomorrow morning so he can show us some of the buildings he has completed. This will give us a better idea of the quality of his work and also help us decide which construction materials are available here and which will be best to use on the community training center.

Late this afternoon, we visited one of the RUN board members who was unable to attend the meeting on Saturday due to a death in her family. We caught her up on what happened at the last meeting and gave her some insight on the agenda for the next meeting, scheduled for Wednesday. We enjoyed our time spent visiting with her and hearing some of her ideas.

Tomorrow’s plans, other than meeting again with the architect, are simply to get some housekeeping items done in town. We will be on our motorcycles tomorrow so pray especially for our safety. Neither motorbikes nor roads here are constructed like they are in the States, and we both have adjustments to make so we can stay safe.

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1. Pray for our conversation with the architect tomorrow. There is a delicate matter to be addressed with him for which we need God’s wisdom.
2. We are still waiting to receive a reply from Friday so continue remembering her.
3. Pray for our safety as we ride our motorbikes.
4. Wednesday morning is our second full meeting of the Kenya RUN board. Please pray for God’s agenda to be covered and for His wisdom to prevail in all our decisions.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday, November 10

Today was a beautiful day of worship at the Imani Sirwo AIC church pastured by Isaac Gikonyo. Singing, dancing, and prayer all led up to Ellen sharing the bread of life from Matthew chapter 5 (the beatitudes) with the fellowship of believers. Her challenge was that in order for salt to be useful, it has to be shaken out of the container. In the same way, we cannot be the salt in this world that so desperately needs the hope Christ offers if we do not come outside of our church buildings with the message of the Gospel.

After the gathering, we went to Kitale with Pastor Isaac, his wife Grace, and his son Emannuel for lunch. What a beautiful family they are. We only wish we had been able to visit with their daughter Louis but she is away at boarding school.

The last part of today was spent putting together agendas for the next three days. That included two days of meetings with the architect about construction of the community training center, and a second meeting of the full RUN board. By the time we were finished, I (Dawn) was jazzed! Wish you guys could see the wheels turning in Ellen when she is thinking through processes! It’s pretty amazing. I’d call it “being in the zone” when she gets that way.

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1. We will be walking the property with the architect on Monday morning to look at the water lines and electricity connection, existing construction, and site placement. We will also be discussing the drawing in detail.
2. It is anticipated (but not confirmed) we will have a second meeting with the architect in Kitale on Tuesday so we can view various building materials available in Kenya and decide what will be best for the construction of the community center.
3. Wednesday will be the second meeting of the full RUN board and we have an extensive agenda! We feel there is so much we need to accomplish and so little time. Please pray we are guided by the Holy Spirit and accomplish HIS agenda, not our own.
4. Please continue to pray for our friend Fridah whom we told you about in yesterday’s blog. We replied to her email last night but have not received a answer from her.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

We had quite the day today! First, we learned from our friend David that the airline on which we booked our flight to Kitale was actually Fly540 under a new name! For those of you who haven’t read our previous blogs, Fly540 has had quite a reputation of bumping us, delaying us, and evening canceling our flights! We are happy to report that although this morning’s flight was a little late coming out of the chute, they did deliver us (and our luggage) in once piece at the Kitale airstrip!

The first full meeting of the Kenya RUN board was pre-arranged before we left the States and convened today at 3:00ish. After all, we ARE back on Kenya time! Unexpected delays are a way of life here and there’s no point getting worked up over them. So we enjoyed some tea and cookies while we waited for the last of the members to arrive. Some very important groundwork was laid today for additional meetings in the next two weeks while we are here. And we are confident that God is already working among the board members to keep us all on the same page as to what a community training center can offer the people of Sibanga and its surroundings. After starting off in one direction, our very profitable discussion led us in a completely different direction. We gave them much to think about today (and vice versa!) and will be convening again this Wednesday at 9:30AM (1:30AM your time for all you night owls!) to pick up where we left off.

This evening as we were getting ready to add today’s blog, we discovered an email from a young woman who recently graduated from the university in Nairobi with a Bachelor’s Degree in computer technology. She is extremely discouraged because she has been looking for a job for over a year without success. Based on her email, we are sure there are other factors she did not share because she told us a doctor diagnosed her with headaches caused by depression and stress. She even told us she has been having suicidal thoughts.

Please pray with us and for us about the following upcoming appointments:
1. Ellen will be speaking at the Imani Sirwa AIC church at 9:00AM because she feels she has a message from God which coincides with the arrival of the community training center.
2. Monday at 9:00AM we will be meeting with the architect to go over in detail our plans for the construction of the community training center.
3. Wednesday at 9:30AM we will be convening the second Kenya RUN board meeting.
4. We are waiting for our friend, Fridah, to call us so we can encourage her through this discouraging time in her life.