Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Our calendar today called for Dawn to take a test for a Kenya driving license but while at the guesthouse in Nairobi on Friday we learned that a foreigner can drive on their existing license for up to 90 days, and we also learned that Kenya licenses must be renewed every year. It didn’t make much sense to take a driving test with this information in hand so we changed up our plans.

We got our first motorcycle ride of the 2011 season today when we each hopped on the back of boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) and rode into Kitale town. We first met with Justus to see the new location of the cyber café. It was moved to a larger area while we were still in America and they are still getting settled in to their new space.

Next we paid a visit to the market to pick up a belated baby shower gift for Grace (refer to the Sunday, April 4 blog) and then headed over to the Iroko Boulevard Restaurant where we took lunch and waited for Pastor John to arrive. He had requested a time to share his heart with us and during this meeting he talked about our past relationship with the people of LCM and also about his forward look to our future relationship. Our relationship truly has been through some trials but the fact we are still in relationship means we are committed to moving forward, however that may look down the road. Relationships are not always easy but the strongest ones are the ones that get cooperation from all parties.

When John finished sharing his heart with us, we enlisted a taxi to take the three of us back to Sibanga and we met with members of the LCM finance committee to gift them with enough funds to pay this year’s school tuition for all seven of the pastors’ children. The generous outpouring of love from Ekklesia, Redeemed and New Life Hilliard made this blessing possible and all of the committee members expressed their gratitude at how much it means for the pastors’ children to be able to attend schools which have high standards of education.

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