Hey eveyone! We made it into town to use the internet but I haven't felt the creative juices kick in to send updates for our blog so this is my first report.
We finished up about the time I would be taking my ritual Sunday afternoon nap so I was faced with a challenge: take my nap or take a walk down to the Sibanga market and see if I would strike up some conversations. Two very pale people in a crowd of Africans has a way of drawing a lot of attention so it was sometimes difficult to talk, especially when a couple of people following us had had a little too much communal wine, if you know what I mean! Pastor Isaac happened to also be at the market and sent his young son Emmanuel to rescue us and take us to the newly relocated Daniel kinyozi barber shop. From there we walked over to LCM where a leader training had just finished up. We spent time with several of our friends and then the
y walked us back to the farm.
Today we spent over an hour visiting Timothy Mahindu at his car parts shop and Ellen, by way of a translator, gave Timothy a Business101 course! We met John and Jane Nabruk at the market and then drove into Kitale to share a lunch and talk about the blessings and challenges they have experienced since our last visit. Jane is also helping us learn some common Swahili words. Now we are just running errands in town, trying to get the feel for doing for ourselves instead of relying so heavily on our hosts.
God has given some very exciting experiences already but I want to put some thought into writing them and then getting them on our blog. Hopefully I'll get those to Joanna tomorrow and she'll have them on our blog soon. Until then, please continue to pray for us that we will recognize the opportunities God is opening up for us and make much of Him in every conversation.
In His Steps,
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