Today’s expectation of a low-keyed day went right out the window at the airport! We’ve said all our goodbyes and run all our last-minute errands. Pastor Isaac has prayed with us and left us at the air strip, and we have just been informed there is a delay. The plane in Lodwar which is to come to Kitale and pick us up has a flat tire. Naturally, the most expedient way to repair it is to fly a new tire from
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, Oct 25th, 2010 -- The Wheels on the Plane Go Round & Round (unless one goes flat!)
Sunday, Oct 24th, 2010
Today we visited the LCM church in Sibanga where we finally got to hear young Pastor Timothy Mahindu preach. Seemingly shy and quiet in his place of business, he was transformed by the Spirit of God as he preached about walking in the world or walking in the
As the adults were led away for a meeting, Ellen and I remained behind where we were given the opportunity to watch the children’s program of memory verses and songs taught by their youth leader, Gilbert. He has done an excellent job with them and is an asset to the
Sat, Oct 23rd, 2010 -- A Classroom in the Marketplace
Around 10:30 this morning we made our way to the Sibanga marketplace where we found Rose Mahindu at her spare parts shop and sat we down for a visit. I whipped out the English to Swahili book Grace Gikonyo had given me along with a pen and a notebook and started asking how to pronounce words, adding words that we are using frequently which weren’t in the book. Ellen bought a round of sodas for Rose and her friend as well as the two of us and we continued to laugh as I struggled to hear the words the way they are pronounced. We had quite a crowd gathered around us by the time we were finishing up and everyone was enjoying the outdoor classroom. In fact, several people were pitching in to help me with pronunciation as well as to add words they thought I should know. What a great morning!
After taking lunch at our old friend the
We returned to Iroko to take tea with Isaac who had requested a meeting with us. We thought Isaac might want to meet with us to discuss some business but it seemed all he wanted to do was wrap up our time together and thank us for all we had done. As we chatted, I finally figured out today that when Isaac calls us every day to see how our day has been, he is really checking to make sure we are safe. He doesn’t want us to take any chances with Kenyans we don’t know or be taken advantage of. How sweet! We are truly building relationships here as many of our friends do the same thing.
The word is out that I have been passing out Bibles! We found Sebastian (our taxi driver from the Kitale airport on the day of our arrival) and negotiated a price for him to take us back to the shamba. He said his friend Peter had told him I gave him and Bible and he was wondering if I had one for him! What a great way to make friends! At the entrance to the shamba, I left him with shillings for the transport and manna for his soul.
Friday, Oct 23rd, 2010--It's Only Flat on the Bottom!
Although today did not have a heavy agenda, it included a lot of time traveling
The trip to Cherengany Hills was to visit with Pastor George Mufoya, one of the Kitale LCM pastors. It’s not all that far from Sibanga but the roads are atrocious, even by Kenyan standards, and it was recommended that we make this a morning visit in order to avoid being stranded there by the afternoon rains. The road to George’s home was so bad that we stopped the car to help a poor little “punda” (donkey) who had gotten his cart stuck in a large mud hole! We had a wonderful time sharing with George and his wife Jessica and of course, couldn’t be allowed to leave until we had shared a meal with them! Little did I realize during the ride back to Sibanga that someone had put a life chicken (cucu) in the back of our car! The car had so many rattles and shakes that if that poor little chicken HAD been squawking, no one would have been able to hear it! Flat tire number 1 occurred right at the end of the lane leading to Zippy’s shamba (farm) so we walked to the house and waited for our driver to fix the tire and pick us up for the second leg of our trip.
On to Moisbridge where we met with Timothy and Faith Nyongesa who have planted a new LCM church in this largely Muslim town. The church seems to be doing well although the family, like many in
Thursday, Oct 21st, 2010
We got ourselves to Kitale and waited at the Iroko restaurant for Pastor Isaac to meet us. It was during this wait that we received a call from our friend Leonard telling us that he had an uncle and a friend who also wanted to know our Jesus and asked if we could meet with them on Sunday after church. Seeing no need for them to wait until Sunday to meet our Jesus, we encouraged them to visit us at Zippy’s shamba (farm) this evening. What a great way to start our day!
Once we joined up with Pastor Isaac, we were taken to the
Next stop, the Tumaini Orphanage (Children of Hope) to deliver clothing generously donated through Ekklesia. A beautiful work is being done here but in two visits we have only seen the system in place to help the children. The children have been attending school in town (their schooling is not received at the orphanage). We need to plan a visit some other time for a Saturday so we can see all their beautiful faces and bring them encouragement from the
Bishop John Musilla of the Kakamega congregation of LCM learned that we would not be making a trip to visit his churches this time so he made the three hour trip to Kitale to share lunch with us. We invited Pastor John Nabruk to join us and had a great time talking about the work the Bishop and his people are doing with the orphans from the tribal warfare of a couple of years ago.
Score one for the enemy when Leonard showed up at the shamba (farm) drunk. We knew alcohol was his battle in becoming a believer in the first place but had been in prayer that he would be able to overcome it. His friends drink and Kenyans are very social people so in order for Leonard to socialize, he thinks he can spend time with his old friends and just not drink . . . or not drink as much. Which didn’t work out well for anyone tonight since his friends were calling us on the phone and sounding drunk while Leonard was standing right before us trying to conceal his condition. We talked for awhile and then sent him on his way; no point trying to talk rationally to an irrational man. We would speak with him again when he was sober.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Showers of Blessings...Weds, Oct 20, 2010
Please pray that our Swahili will improve so we can break through communication barriers.
Lunch was taken at Pastor Gikonyo's (Issac's) home. We enjoyed their company, some very good stew and pleasant conversation. Before we left, Pastor Issac was presented with a laptop computer, which was donated to him by a member of Ekklesia. He had asked us to pray with him about whether he might be able to purchase a used one. When this laptop was donated, we decided to surprise him with it (he didn't know anything about it until we arrived!). He was very blessed (Bariki Sana!)! The Gikonyo's daughter, Louise, attends boarding school so we stopped to visit with her on our way back into town. Mom, of course, had brought a "care package" for her little girl and plenty of pictures were taken.
Please pray for Issac and Grace, who are trying to figure out a way to increase their savings so their children can stay in good schools.
Later in the afternoon, Ellen and I met up with a young man who came to know Jesus during our last visit. Leonard was working in the Daniel shop (kinyozi) as a barber when we met him and shared about the Lord. Today, Leonard is working as a teacher in a town near Sibanga and says he has only missed attending worship on one Sunday. Leonard was accompanied by his younger sister, Doreen, who was smiling from ear-to-ear. It seems she was so distraught by Leonard's former life that she didn't like to be around him, due to drinking, so she would not travel anywhere with him. Today, when Leonard told Doreen he was coming to Kitale to meet the American friends who led him to the Lord, she said she wanted to come with him to meet us. She told us she has received her brother back and she thanked us for our part in that gift. Doreen is a Christian but said she did not have her own Bible, so we gave her a copy we had brought.
Please pray for Leonard that he will remain strong in his faith and that he will influence his unsaved friends to make the same, life-changing decision that he has. Also, pray for Doreen who says she is a Christian, but sometimes feels like she may be backsliding.
Tonight was a very special night back at the farm (shamba), as our chef, Joseph, had managed to get fish (in a land-locked country) for our dinner. This was by our request and it took Joseph three days to find someone who knew where fresh fish could be found! After dinner, we retired to our house and sat in front of a blazing fireplace to enjoy the quiet of the Kenyan night.
Continuing Ed...Tuesday, Oct 19th, 2010
Please continue to pray for Eliud's complete recovery so that he can return to his position as director of the orphanage in Kitale.
After prayer time, Pastor Issac, brought us back to Sibanga where we shared a feast of cucu
Then, onto the Kimoson High School to speak to students and teachers. First, we met with the eight teachers who were on campus, giving each of them their own copy of the Bible. After all, how can you guide young people without a guide of your own? Each teacher expressed appreciation for the gift and said it would be very useful in helping their students. Next, we moved to the dining hall where over 100 students were gathered to receive encouragement from this visitor. I told them how fortunate they are to be able to talk about God in their schoolds because it is something we are forbidden to do in America. I told them the problems they face in school are no different than the problems American youth face: drugs, alcohol, peer pressure. And I encouraged them to do well in school, but most of all, I encouraged them in the importance of spiritual growth, which requires them to spend time reading the Bible, praying and being in the company of other believers. We closed with a time of questions and answers, which was very challenging. Here are just a few of them....
- Why do Kenyans leave to go to school in America and then not return home?
- Why do Europeans come to Kenya?
- What is the difference between the Kenyan school system and the American one?
Rock the House!....Sunday, Oct 17th, 2010
Please pray for this church that God will use them to reach their community!
In the afternoon, we attended a prayer fellowship in the home of Kipsombo, who is a member of Pastor Issac's church and also a worker on Zippy's farm. Kipsombo shared the plight of some of his neighbors and then we prayed for them.
Please join us in praying for...
* a neighbor who had two cows die in one day
* a neighbor whose child recently died and they are struggling with the loss
* Kipsombo's son, Kibet, who has been ill. The doctor has not been able to completely treat the symptoms.
When we returned from the prayer fellowship, we decided to take the opportunity to mingle in the Sibanga marketplace. What a fiasco this turned out to be! When two white people wander into a sea of black people, it is hard for those two white people to go unnoticed! On the way to the market we met Kayfa, who asked us for some shillings so he could buy food. We promised him that if he would walk to the market with us, we could buy him some food. After feeding Kayfa, we were followed by two drunks who made it difficult to carry on a conversation with our new-found friend. Eventually, we made our way to the LCM Sibanga church were Pastor John was just concluding an evening leadership training. We introduced him to Kayfa, and John invited our friend to receive Jesus, which he did!
Please pray that Kayfa's decision will be firm and that he won't be discouraged by the enemy to return to his old way of life.As we walked the road back to Zippy's farm, it was hard to imagine a more perfect day than today...but there would be plenty to follow.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Convos in the Market
Pastor Titus visited us at the farm this morning. He very much wanted to show Dawn his motor bike. He asked us to pray with him the last trip that some how he could come by a motor bike to help with transport. Dawn prayed with him while at a funeral. Not long after a guy who isn't a believer came to Titus saying 'I want to sell you my motor bike'. Titus said "wow but I can't pay for it." The guy said "you pay me each month". Titus has only 8000 ksh left to go. We now how pictures of the bike that prayer brought!
Please join Pastor Titus in believing God to provide the balance to pay off his motorcycle, and also that God will continue giving him opportunities to use it to bless others as well as his own ministry.
We spent some time in the Sibanga market yesterday. We didn't really plan that but we had some down time and Dawn baited me with going to get a Coke. I really enjoy my daily Kenya Coca cola. So on the lane from Zippy's house we met Keffa. It was obvious that Keffa had been drinking most of the day. He asked for 20 kshs. From what we have learned through our church in the Short North we knew we could not make it that easy on Keffa. We invited Keffa to go to the market with us. We spent some time talking with Keffa getting to know him. We fed him and had him join us for a soda. Meanwhile we attracted quite a crew of other drunks. Dawn is so good at just diving in and challenging them. Some of the conversations we look forward to continuing when these guys are in a better position to understand. For Keffa, he seemed to appreciate that we took an interest in him. Pastor John had a conversation with him. We will be praying for Keffa to make some permanent changes.
So we are well and appreciating our time. No agenda!! Rolling where ever God sends us. And getting rest. I got a good 8 hours last night - haven't done that in some time.
Dawn is wandering so I will close. talk soon. ec
Landed and Laid Back
God has given some very exciting experiences already but I want to put some thought into writing them and then getting them on our blog. Hopefully I'll get those to Joanna tomorrow and she'll have them on our blog soon. Until then, please continue to pray for us that we will recognize the opportunities God is opening up for us and make much of Him in every conversation.
In His Steps,