Today we began by visiting with Pastor John and his wife Jane in their home. John recounted the history of his conversion all the way through his meeting with Jamal Jivanjee in 2007 and then talked of how he envisions his relationship with us continuing into the future. Then Jane shared with us and we shared COFFEE! Isn’t this Kenya, the tea capitol of the world?!?!? We kept asking the Nabruks' youngest daughter, Valentine, to "kuja" (Swahili for "come") but she is still fearful of our pale complexions so she opted to stay near her parents.

We began to walk to Pastor Timothy and Rose Mahindu’s home but it started to rain so Pastor Timothy sent two boda-bodas (motorcycles) to pick us up! We shared a lunch of kuku (chicken), chipote (pronounced chi-pot-a, it is a thicker version of the flour tortilla) and Coke with them before walking into the market place to visit their new car parts shops and then go on to the fellowship which had gathered at the Sibanga church for prayer. After sharing some words of encouragement with them from Colossians 1, we walked the beautiful and serene road back to Zippy’s farm.
Another day for the history books, and one which we were humbled to hand back to Abba with praise for what He did through us.
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